Activity 1- Design Your Own form of Transport

Thinking about the different types of transport that you have researched, design your own form of "green" transport which is environmentally friendly and doesn't run on petrol. You can be as creative as you like!
Your design needs to be original but doesn't necessarily have to be realistic! Just as long as you explain (even if unsual) how your transport works and what energy source it uses. For example: A flying Peddled Bike! That has wings that flap when the the peddles are being turned.

Draw your design using coloured pencils/textas and clearly label each part of your mode of transport.
Once the design has been drawn, you need to assemble your original transportation by using a range of materials. Ideally create your transporation using recycled materials where possible. These materials can include:

Empty milk, soft drink, juice containers,

  • Cardboard, newspaper and recycled paper
  • Tissue boxes, cardboard cylinders
  • Straws, icy pole sticks, aluminium foil
  • Plastic bottle lids       

Once you have created your original form of transport, share your new invention with family and friends and discuss with them how it works and why you created it.